3-A Sanitary Standards are the industry standards governing how food and beverage processing equipment is built and handled. They were originally developed by three different interest groups representing regulators, equipment manufacturers and processors. These industry standards are developed and maintained by 3-A Sanitary Standards Inc. which is an independent organization dedicated to improving the design of food and beverage equipment for sanitary purposes. The 3-A Sanitary Standards were created to accomplish two goals which are protecting food and beverage from contamination and ensuring all equipment parts and surfaces are cleanable.
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Wir von der Paul Mueller Company sind der festen Überzeugung, dass nur die Qualität zählt, die ein ganzes Leben lang hält. Unser Ziel bei der Fabrikation jedes einzelnen Ausrüstungsteils ist es, etwas Bleibendes zu schaffen. Angefangen bei Solarkühlern für Milch im ländlichen Afrika bis hin zu lebensrettenden Technologien – unser Einsatz ist auf der ganzen Welt spürbar.